Wednesday, September 10, 2014

My Personal Experience With Bullying

Advisor's Note: As we recognize National Suicide Prevention Week, a SuccessTech student wanted to share a personal story of courage, strength, and hope to shed light on some of the reasons teenagers consider hurting themselves and how they can make things better --Ms. C

Growing up I’ve always been a tomboy. I never really dressed up like a girl. I never was into girl things. So I was often called “gay.” I was called “dyke” and anything and everything related to being, acting, or looking gay, or not like my gender. There was a time things got unbearable and violent but I told an adult. I told them what those kids were doing to me, but at a certain point there are things that you handle and some things you can’t. When things starts to get out of control, an adult will try to resolve the problem as best as they can. #TBH, you’ll probably find out that the bully is having a bad time their self.

Statistics tell us that:

  • LGBT youth are 3 times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual counterparts
  • 75% of LGBT youth report verbal attacks and 1 in 7 report being physically attacked based on their sexual orientation




  1. Thank you for sharing your story. The statistics are alarming, but messages like this will help decrease this sad and preventable epidemic.

  2. As a student who is a part of the LGBT community, I can attest that being bullied is never fun. The bullies reason never matters, and it's all just plain ignorance. It's nice that you bring up statistics about LGBT youth because most people don't actually understand the effect that their words have on people.
