Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Results are in......ISSUE 4 PASSES!!!!

by the VOXSTA News Dept.
SuccessTech junior AJ Knox thanks the voters of Cleveland for stepping up to pass Issue 4 yesterday.
Yesterday, the people of Cleveland voted overwhelmingly to renew the bond issue that funds the buliding and maintenance of Cleveland's schools. 63% of voters cast their ballots in support of Issue 4. VOXSTA Editor Jeffery Tomaro interprets the results this way: "It means the voters in our city care about the youth and our community as a whole." VOXSTA Staffer Dezzin Gunn added, "We appreciate the voters who recognized the importance of rebuilding our schools so that no kid has to go to a dilapidated building. When the voters invest in us, they're inversting in the future of Cleveland because we are the future." Recognizing that Issue 4 was not the only important education initiative in yesterday's election, VOXSTA Editor-in-Chief Devonte Owens reminds us, "Issue 6 [the Tri-C levy] also passing gives us hope that more underprivileged youth in Cleveland will have opportunities for higher education. This is great news for our city." Finally, VOXSTA Artist Diamond Hamler wants to personally thank her parents for, "always voting when schools are on the ballot!"
Editor's Note: The staff of VOXSTA wishes to thank everyone who came out yesterday to ensure Cleveland has the resources to provide great public education for all our students.

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