Wednesday, October 22, 2014


by the VOXSTA News Staff
The board in Ms. C's room welcomes parents to this fall's Parent-Teacher Conferences.
Over 40 parents and family members came to our school yesterday to check on the progress of their STA scholars. This set a school record for attendance and it shows that our parents really care about our education. Ms. Jackie Hicks, the mother of VOXSTA Staffer Jaquain Williams, said, "I'm very proud of the teachers because they encourage the students to reach their potential." That is high praise for our teachers and reflects the fact that, like our parents, our teachers truly care about us and want us to succeed. "It feels great when our parents engage in our education. It takes a team to help us achieve our goals," VOXSTA Editor Dee Starling reflected, "and this being just the first quarter shows us we can get that number from 40 to 60 to every parent!"
 Chief Secretary Mrs. Johnson proudly shows our record-setting Parent-Teacher Conference sign-in sheets!!!

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