Wednesday, December 10, 2014

I CAN'T BREATHE   by James Chisolm

Recently, some of the biggest stars in the NBA have started wearing shirts that say, "I Can't Breathe." They're doing this in response to the death of Eric Garner, an unarmed black man selling single cigarettes in Staten Island, NY. No matter what his crime, Mr. Garner should not have died at the hands of a police officer. Police are there to protect and serve, not to be judge, jury and executioner. I love that heroes like Derrick Rose, LeBron James and Kobe Bryant are leading the whole NBA in raising their voices for this issue. So many young black men watch what these guys do and for them to be leading in a cause for social justice gives me heart. I give them a big shout-out!


Tuesday, December 9, 2014

What is out there? by Jenny Henry
The recent launch of Orion has got me thinking about the possibility of life on other planets. Would it be possible to live on Mars and would it be different from living on Earth? Is Earth on borrowed time and do we need to find possible places to live in space? I would like to go to Mars to see what's up there and see what things look like. Everyday here on Earth you see the same thing: people not getting along because of the things that separate us like race, social class, and culture. Maybe if we started a new society on Mars we would all get along and learn from the mistakes we've made on Earth.


Monday, December 1, 2014

From the VOXSTA Staff
I am thankful for being able to wake up and see another day, for being free, and to have free education. --McKayla Edmonds

I am thankful for those who believe in me. --Jaquain Williams

I am thankful for life. --Jeff Tomaro

I am thankful for being able to see another day. --Khalil Williams

I am thankful for everything. --James Chisolm

I am thankful for my parents. --Jenny Henry

I am thankful for family. --Kareem Rahman

I am thankful for being able to have all five of my senses. --Lelanda Todd

I am thankful for Canada. --John Tomaro

I am greatful for my life, for being loved, for being able to form words and use them to help everyone who supports me and im thankful for you all. --Devonte Owens

In Memory of Tamir Rice  by Kareem Rahman
Yesterday, I saw the body of Tamir Rice lying in his casket. I didn't know him. I went to his viewing because a lady from my church--a cousin of one of his family members--was going. I discovered when I got there that another one of his family members has lived down the street from me for a long time, which really brought the issue home for me.
The service was quiet and a lot of people were crying. It was sad, as such a solemn occasion should be. What struck me most was the armed guards standing outside the front of the funeral home. It was weird to see armed guards at a funeral and it made me realize the sensitivity of the situation. There was also some media there. It makes me wonder why it takes the death of a young man to bring protection and attention to a community that often gets ignored.